Raleigh Family Photography | Soda Shoppe Minis

Soda Shoppe Minis 

Raleigh Family Photography

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One thing I love about S and T’s Soda Shoppe is all the beautiful antiques they have collected and have on display at the restaurant. A lot of time and thought went into the restaurant, and everywhere you look, there is another fun antique. If you are an antique lover, it is definitely worth the trip to Pittsboro. (You can read more about S and T’s in an Our State Magazine article here, and there are some more pictures of the antiques, too!)

This made me a little nostalgic about places I went as a kid that were special to me. Yum Yum of Greensboro is the best place for ice cream and a hotdog. It’s an 112 year old business, and last year there was an car accident that forced it to close for a few weeks. Everyone went into panic mode, but they were able to get everything fixed and reopened. This also made me think a little bit about what special places am I taking my kiddos + the memories we are making. (And they are definitely fans of S and T’s Soda Shoppe + the strawberry milkshake! My boys lovvvve strawberry.)

Our mini sessions are ten minute long usually for just the kids sessions, (sometime we have family sessions, too!) and these two giggled all the way through their session. We had to stay right on time for these, no wiggle room, and Ericka and I always do our best to go as fast as possible. (The outfits on these two, oh my, ADORBS! I love the Soda Shoppe minis so much!)

Special Thanks to S and T’s Soda Shoppe | Styled by Little Apple Styles

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As Seen in People Magazine + The Bump

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Rebecca Keller is a Raleigh Newborn Photographer featured in My Little Peanut, Let The Kids Dress Themselves and several other blogs.