Summer at Stelliana’s – Raleigh Commercial Photographer

This was our second shoot of the summer styles for Stelliana’s Petit Boutique. So many cute clothes and I just love all of these. And how wonderful that the rain stopped for a minute so that we could take these outside. Lafayette Village is just so pretty and it was great to be able to step right outside of the store to take some photos. It was a rainy cloudy day and the rain stopped just before it was time to take these. Thanks to everyone who came out to model – it was just a fun afternoon!

Just a reminder that Saturday Stelliana’s will be celebrating one year. You can check out all of the details here.  Stop by and see me Saturday and wear your Stelliana’s clothes!

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Rebecca Keller is a Raleigh Commercial Photographer in Raleigh, N.C. Contact Rebecca Keller Photography to book your Raleigh Commercial Photography session.