Our Trip to Berlin

Our Trip to Berlin

Berlin was our first overnight trip since London in February, so we were really excited for this trip. We planned some Martin Luther sights along the way and on the way back, which I’ll share those when I get them edited:)I cannot even imagine the grand number of photos I have taken since moving to Europe. We planned a walking tour in Berlin since we would not be there long. I really like to research, read reviews, and always, look in my guide books for recommendations when planning trips. Another travel tip is to use google maps. When I’m planning a trip, I like to save a list in google maps that includes our hotel and all of the places we want to see and then maybe want to see if there’s time. We can organize our days by location and then also if you have extra time, you can bring up your list and see what’s nearby. With all the researching I do, we ended up booking Nick Jackson for a walking tour of Berlin, and it was the best use of our time. It was such a great tour, and the kids loved that Nick is a real archaeologist. We ended up recommending this tour to friends who just went recently and they also loved this tour so much. Of course, there is so much history in Berlin and no way to do it all in one trip, but we thoroughly enjoyed what we got to see and the added bonus of so much yummy food. It was also a neat time to visit because we were surprised at what a ghost town Berlin was. The sidewalks were empty and we really didn’t see many people. Another highlight of our trip was our brief stop into the Bonhoeffer house. Owen really loved learning about Dietrich Bonhoeffer after reading this book, and it was truly memorable for him to visit the Bonhoeffer house.

berlin photos367P I N this to pinterestCheckpoint Charlie – crossing point between West and East Berlinberlin photos368P I N this to pinterestOn one side there is an American soldier (you can read about him here) and on the other is a Soviet soldier.berlin photos369P I N this to pinterestYou gotta love that there is a KFC here.berlin photos370P I N this to pinterestberlin photos371P I N this to pinterestberlin photos372P I N this to pinterestWe have to take a photo when we see Keller somewhere. Also, in front of the Reichstag. berlin photos373P I N this to pinterestBrandenburg Gate – so much history here and Napoleon was the first to use the gate for a triumphant procession.berlin photos374P I N this to pinterestberlin photos375P I N this to pinterestThis was a powerful memorial to the Sinit and Roma – you can see the Reichstag right behind it. berlin photos376P I N this to pinterestberlin photos377P I N this to pinterestThe East Berlin Rabbits 

berlin photos378P I N this to pinterestberlin photos379P I N this to pinterestSoviet memorial to the 2,000 soldiers that died when fighting to liberate Berlin in 1945. The marble is from Hitler’s Chancellery and you can see the bullet holes.berlin photos380P I N this to pinterestberlin photos381P I N this to pinterestThe Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe was just so powerful. berlin photos382P I N this to pinterestUnderneath this parking lot was where the Fuhrerbunker was where Hitler killed himself. Our tour guide helped write the information and was listed on this sign.berlin photos383P I N this to pinterestThis profile is a tribute to George Elser who planted a bomb to try to kill Hitler. This is one of the remaining buildings with Nazi architecture in Berlin – it was the Ministry of Aviation and is now the German Finance Ministry.berlin photos384P I N this to pinterestWe learned so many daring stories of those who crossed the Berlin Wall.berlin photos385P I N this to pinterestberlin photos386P I N this to pinterestberlin photos387P I N this to pinterestberlin photos388P I N this to pinterestberlin photos389P I N this to pinterestberlin photos390P I N this to pinterestNo summer day in Germany is complete without ice cream.berlin photos391P I N this to pinterestberlin photos392P I N this to pinterestberlin photos393P I N this to pinterestberlin photos394P I N this to pinterestberlin photos395P I N this to pinterestberlin photos396P I N this to pinterestberlin photos397P I N this to pinterestberlin photos398P I N this to pinterestThe top of this building had one of the remaining Nazi eagles. We also had some tasty cinnamon rolls in Berlin.berlin photos399P I N this to pinterestTrip to the Bonhoeffer House.berlin photos400P I N this to pinterestberlin photos401P I N this to pinterestberlin photos402P I N this to pinterestberlin photos403P I N this to pinterestberlin photos404P I N this to pinterestThis was Dietrich’s room – where he wrote part of Ethics and they also found a Resistance manuscript he was working on. Dietrich was arrested by the Gestapo in this house.