I have watched this little one grow from a few months to one year. (Can’t believe he’s a year old already!)As the youngest of four, he is a content little guy, happy to be held by his mommy or sleep in his stroller in the afternoons at the park. His mama is a neighbor of mine, and the neighborhood park is my BFF – what a great spot in the evenings. Sometimes we stay all the way until bedtime. The park is such a special place to us. All of Owen’s birthday’s have been at the park, of course, I have photos of him as young as seven months playing in the sandbox. We’ve spent nights out there with friends and glow sticks, the boys race on their scooters and bicycles, and of course, I’m always trying to talk them out of some of their ideas. (Taking the little car all the way to the top of the hill and riding it down the hill. Trying to climb on top of the playground equipment instead of playing in it – these are things that boys do at the park.) It’s a great spot for us mamas to chat at the end of the day while our little ones play.
The morning of this little one’s session was just beautiful, and we were able to capture some happy images of him & his mommy. Oh, and how cute are his curls?!?! He is adorable!
Thinking of booking a session? Fall is almost booked up for this year! And remember, a special client event is coming if you book your session before 07/31/2014. (And if you are a 2014 client, stay tuned to more information to be e-mailed the first week in August!)
Rebecca Keller is a Raleigh Newborn Photographer. Contact Rebecca Keller Photography for more information about Raleigh Baby One Year Mini Session Photography in Raleigh, Wake Forest, and Cary, North Carolina.