Who Needs Sleep?
Chapel Hill Raleigh Newborn Photographer
So I have to tell you something really funny about me – I am the most awkward hugger. like seriously ever. As I’m writing this, I can only see my husband cracking up as he as witnessed me trying to hug someone many times. So anyways, if you need a good laugh, try to hug me next time you see me. Or save me the embarrassment and run the other direction hahahahaha. I have no idea where this comes from and I apologize if I have ever hugged you awkwardly. It’s not you, it’s me. My closest friends make fun of me and hugging, and I totally own it. I just had to share this fact about me because it makes me laugh! Ok, on to the most precious newborn session!
You can’t tell by the images, but this little one was determined to stay awake her entire session. With a lot of soothing, we managed to get her to sleep, but she did not want to miss a thing. She also loved her Grandma holding her hand, which was just so sweet. Her puppies were also hilarious, one letting me know she was boss as soon as I got there, and the other one hovering everywhere we went and wanting to be photographed. What a sweet day photographing this sweet family of three.