Oh, this little one will just steal your heart. I loved photographing his first year and seeing his sweet little personality develop. It was just so precious to see him interact with his Mommy and Daddy. It’s always so fun at one year sessions to see their little personalities show through. It was a beautiful fall evening- we just had perfect weather and you can see a few of the trees were changing colors. I loved the path that we used and the evening sun was just so pretty. We even stopped on the way back to play in the leaves. It’s always so fun in the fall to incorporate the leaves into sessions. (So much fun, right?!! I know my four year old LOVES jumping in the leaves!) Any way we can add fun into the session always makes the little ones happier, too! And this little one was just so adorable in the leaves – I love that there was one with his eyes closed, too – just so sweet.
I’m still working on blogging my 2014 sessions – there are just so many sweet family sessions to share! And the 2014 Image of the Year will be starting soon so if you booked a 2014 session, stay tuned to the blog and e-mail list (you can sign up up on the e-mail tab on my facebook page here) for more information!
Rebecca Keller is a Durham Raleigh Family Photographer in Raleigh, North Carolina. Contact Rebecca Keller Photography for more information about Raleigh Maternity Photography and Raleigh Newborn Photography.