It didn’t feel like summer should be over the day of this session – it was definitely hot. I have to admit I was super sad knowing it was my last Coastal Session and our last weekend at the beach that we would be able to swim until next year. Owen discovered his love of boogie boarding this year in August and was actually jumping in the pool by himself so I was sad to see these huge accomplishments swept to the side until next year. He was never this huge climber/daredevil child. When some kids are jumping in the pool at two, Owen was perfectly content to walk around with his little boat and play. So, that being said, I was a little heartbroken labor day weekend. This was a farewell to summer weekend that I just wasn’t ready for.
Oh, and not to mention, that when we arrived at the beach that weekend, there was a crowd around the turtle nests that had been roped off all summer. Eighty-four (I think I remember that right) little baby turtles had hatched that Friday, and they let me know on Sunday they would dig up the nest to see if there were anymore. Right before this sweet family arrived for their session, I saw the turtle patrol drive up and camp out on the beach. Soon, there was a crowd, and I was informed that we would have to be off the beach and behind the dunes when they dug up the little turtles. So, there was a little added stress not knowing how long it would take baby turtles to walk down the long beach to the ocean and when we would be released again to take photos. After all of that, when they dug up the nest, all of the turtles had already hatched and so we didn’t have to stop the session at all. (although we were a little sad we didn’t get to see baby turtles) So, if you’ve had a session with me, you know I am super quick and move a lot – just think about how much this put me into traveling at the speed of light hyperdrive. Due to the anticipation of a turtle break, we got soo many photos, and it was so great to meet this sweet family. They also brought some super fun props like a kite and cute hat! This mama and daughter were also one of the winners of the Free Mommy & Me Mini Session, too, so you’ll see them on the blog again soon!
And lastly, speaking of Coastal Sessions, with the Free Holiday Mini Sessions (see more information here) I’ve already started booking Coastal Sessions for next year, so if you are thinking of booking one, contact me ASAP. I am only reserving one spot per holiday. (Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day) This summer we had to reschedule for Hurricane Arthur so I want to make sure we have plenty of reschedule options with both of our schedules if there was bad weather.
Rebecca Keller is a Raleigh Natural Light Newborn Photographer in Raleigh, N.C. Contact Rebecca Keller Photography for more information about Holden Beach NC Family Photography and Raleigh Newborn Photography.
that was a lot of fun to look at! great pics
I miss summer too! Thanks so much again Becky!!