I completely missed my December goals this month with so much going on, The Holiday Mini Sessions, finishing up editing, and still trying to figure out what I might need for this new baby. I haven’t really even thought about it until the last few weeks – probably the whole nesting thing. The past few weeks I’ve been struggling with contractions off and on which I had a lot of during my first pregnancy so I haven’t been able to really nest like I want to. At least most of the baby clothes are washed and hanging up in the nursery! The next few weeks, this Christmas season, will probably be a lot quieter than most years…definitely a little more quiet than last year. I can’t keep working non stop like I usually do, no more traveling out of Raleigh, and so more time to spend with this little guy. I can’t believe he will be a big brother so soon. There are a lot of goals I thought about this month – so many things for 2014 also, but then I decided, really just spending time with him was enough. It’s about to get crazy around here and he’s probably going to be a little overwhelmed. The big brother class at Rex was just too cute and he such was a serious listener. I’m just so thankful for him everyday, I love his sweet little three year old heart. Even though he knows their official name, he calls doughnuts. “The brown things with the holes in the middle.” Just love all the sweet little things he says. So for December…for the next few weeks, I’m just going to focus on our little holidays, traditions, and I’ll definitely finish up the last few business things before 2014. I will still be blogging – so much more to share from this fall..and don’t forget, there will be a big contest in 2014 for a free session. So if you booked a session in 2013, make sure you’ve signed up for the newsletter so you will be the first to find out when the details are announced.
Rebecca Keller is a Raleigh Kids Photographer in Raleigh, N.C. Contact Rebecca Keller Photography for more information about Raleigh Lifestyle Maternity, Newborn, Family and Child Photography.