Oh my, his hair – don’t you just love it? And wow, this little one was just so sleepy and content for his newborn portraits. Their bedroom just had the prettiest light the entire time I was there (yay!) and the nursery too – this session was full of beautiful light and such a beautiful baby boy. And I love that his mama had a beautiful blue blanket to use for his session – just stunning and a perfect backdrop. I love how sweet and simply his newborn portraits capture the magic and sweet moments of the first weeks at home.
This has been such a busy and fun month meeting so many new babies. This pregnancy has been so different because I am just over the moon excited about having another baby – just knowing the miracle that we will have soon. The first pregnancy can just be so scary and it’s been great this time knowing we are getting such a precious gift and not worrying as much about what it’s like to be a parent. Ok, I’m totally going to start bawling….every time “Everything Has Changed,” by Taylor Swift comes on the radio, I just lose it. And, I really need to start looking for all the baby stuff and making sure I have it organized in the house – this little one will be here before I know it!
Rebecca Keller is a Raleigh Wake Forest Newborn Photographer in Raleigh, N.C. Contact Rebecca Keller Photography for more information about Raleigh Newborn Photography.