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Labor Day was a much needed weekend for us…..rest, time at the coast, and time with friends. So thankful that Cassandra Johns captured these for us – such a treasure and there are really so many more I love. I can’t wait to print and hang them on the walls. (You know I already have the top left image on the refrigerator.) These days are just so special and I’m so thankful for the blessing of another little one in January. I had a pretty rough time when I was pregnant with Owen but this one has definitely been a lot more challenging. I have been sick so much more with this pregnancy – something I thought would get better with the 2nd trimester but I’m still waiting. I have good days and bad days and there are things that I have found to be helpful (for any other pregnant friends out there that may be sick)
1. Drinking coffee first thing. I don’t know why – it’s probably the milk but there is something about it that makes me feel better as soon as I wake up. Yes – I don’t over do it, and I only have one coffee a day but I totally need it in the morning.
2. Water, water, and more water. I’ve noticed the days that I get wrapped up in working, errands, etc, and don’t drink enough water, I usually end up feeling terrible. Drinking coconut water really helps me stay hydrated so I usually keep a lot of coconut water in the fridge. I often wonder what the world record is for how much water you can drink in a day..It is a full time hobby for me now.
3. Sunshine. (especially now that it’s cooler) Even just sitting on the porch outside makes me feel better..taking Owen to the park, shooting a session…which leads to number 4
4. Getting out of the house. Being out and shooting has probably been the best thing to make me feel better (so thanks to everyone for keeping me busy!) I usually feel better when I get out of the house, take Owen to the park, work, etc.
5. Eating small protein meals during the day – especially during the first trimester. It really helped to keep me from being sick if I ate before I got hungry – I usually knew I had to eat lunch at 11. I’ve been getting better at this – not waiting until the last minute to eat, but sometimes I forget. Thanks to all of you who let me bring snacks to your newborn session.
Hopefully this helps some of you who might be struggling. I meet so many mommas and I’m so thankful for the friendships and tips I’ve learned to help me keep sickness away!
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And thanks so much to our sweet friends for capturing some maternity beach portraits for us! Their little one is such a cutie!