Friday Faves
Maternity Photography Raleigh
I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library
-Jane Austen
Trader Joe’s flowers. They are the bessssst. And with valentines coming up, always a good reason to pick some up, right?
The Woodwright’s School in Pittsboro. How cool is this place? Ericka and I got to see a class in progress while we were there last week, and what an amazing place. I Need to find out if they have classes for kids because I will be signing Owen up! (You know I love all things Old Salem and Williamsburg, so I am all about this. And if you haven’t been to Pittsboro, it is worth the trip!)
Sweet’s Syrup. A dear friend of mine told me about this, so we are currently taking all the elderberry to hopefully ward off more sickness. The kids love the way it tastes, too!
Renting videos on I recently bought a new Bible Study at Lifeway for my quiet time everyday, and I love that you can rent the videos that go with it. So many great videos to watch here.
Giving keys has a mini collection – love these!
Addis Jemari. This week I photographed their new collection of bags. Not only is this non profit amazing, but the bags are so beautiful! I can’t wait to share all of the images soon!
Katie Daisy Baby Swaddles are coming soon! Katie Daisy is one of my favorite artists (see her new book here!
) and I am so excited that she is coming out with baby swaddles soon!
Stranger Things Valentine Cookies. yesssss!!!
I really still can’t stop listening to Ed Sheeran and Andrea Bocelli. On repeat, all day everyday. My kids are so tired of hearing it, I am sure. If you haven’t seen it yet, watch now. which reminds me I haven’t listened to it yet today, so turning it on now…I’m always walking around the house…”Dentro la nostra musica….”
After finishing When Calls The Heart, there is a Christmas special on you tube. Love how tv is now with the apps you can watch you tube on the tv. I’m so thankful for my husband, I’d still be watching my college tv and vhs. (We just recently got rid of this tv…)
I somehow missed that you can get pineapple upside down cake with your Dole Whip because I am always in the zone and order, “Pineapple pineapple float” as soon as it’s my turn. So next trip I will be ordering this.
This week I finished The Woman in Cabin 10
. It was a really good quick read for me, right up there with Gone Girl
and The Girl on the Train
. (If you liked both of those books, this is a good read)
Owen and I finished reading aloud In The Belly Of The Earth
I will admit, it was a little intense but my sweet seven year old just loved it, and it was a great way to spend time together. I just wanted to get to the ending so badly, I almost cheated and read it while he was at school.
P I N this to pinterest

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Rebecca Keller is a Raleigh Newborn Photographer featured in My Little Peanut, Let The Kids Dress Themselves and several other blogs.Because we chat a lot about our personal lives on the blog, we may receive commissions from affiliate links in articles.