Everyone was just so excited on facebook this morning about the new Amazon Prime Now coming to Raleigh that I had to check it out. There are days when I think about something I forgot to get at the store, but with two kids in the car or going out in the rain and trying to put on two rain coats, etc, it’s just probably not going to happen.
I will say, we have had the Harris Teeter delivery option for a while. I have never used it, since it’s pretty expensive. I’m also not sure how far in advance you have to reserve a time spot or can reserve something pretty quick.
At 8:03 A.M. this morning, I downloaded the app.It looks like you have to order the app because I tried to check on the Amazon webpage for what is offered in Amazon now, and Raleigh has not been added to their list yet. I had a session this morning, but I really wanted to check it out, so I quickly browsed through and picked a few things. I noticed Hallmark valentines cards were an option, which was nice.
The gift guide actually has some pretty great ideas. And there is so much candy available. (Need to stay away from that – ha!) Some of the gifts for her included a Kate Spade bracelet. Of course you know I love my Fitbit Charge HR
, (see post here) that was also an option on the gift guide. You can even order ice cream. I could see this being very dangerous if I was pregnant. There are lots of books, dvds, game day snacks, tablets, baby gates, and kindles in case you need one quickly.
I took a few screenshots on my phone – at 8 A.M., these were my delivery times options. You only pay 7.99 if you want it within an hour. I was super impressed with the service, and if I realllly need something, I’ll definitely use it. This service could definitely be helpful if you have just had a baby.
A few things I learned
- The minimum order is 20.00. There is a code right now for 10.00 off – 10PRIMENOW
- It looks like you can change the tip amount but I ordered pretty quickly and didn’t notice that.
Here’s a few examples of the categories so a lot to pick from!
Everything from Raleigh Amazon Prime Now was delivered at 10:48 on the front porch. It’s kind of overwhelming – all of the books and things to choose from. (I don’t need to be able to shop this easily, right? It kind of needs to be a challenge to load up the kids and actually go in a store, ha! It will keep me from spending money!) Who else tried Amazon Prime Now in Raleigh today, and what did you order? Was it worth it?
Rebecca Keller is a Cary Family Lifestyle Photographer featured in People Magazine and on several blogs including the Bump. I do chat a lot about my personal life on the blog and recommendations for things that I love, and I may receive commissions on affiliate links in articles.