It is raining (Oh my, so much rain today!) so it’s the perfect afternoon to sit down with my coffee and watch the rain pour while blogging this sweet session. The boys are also having a matching pajama afternoon which Owen just thinks is the coolest….You may not believe it, but I am one of those people that the idea of photographing a family with six kids just doesn’t stress me out. And you know what, these kids were just so sweet and such a blessing to many hugs and smiles and a lot of laughter. I am still amazed at how well this session went and how many images I took. (well I mean, it’s a lot of people so you know, I probably used almost all of my compact flash cards.) Last year, we had their family portraits outside in a pretty park, so this mama wanted something different this year – a fun downtown location. Thanks so much to Rebus Works for giving us permission to use their space – what a cool, fun location with a variety of backgrounds for us to use and great downtown parking. (They have a parking lot – woo-hoo!) Such a neat place, and they also have a Saturday market which is pretty cool. Oh, and the light we had for this session was just gorgeous – love, love, love.
I love all of these…There is so much love, joy, and happy in this family. Their mama is such a sweetheart and if you met her, you’d want to be bffs immediately. (She truly is can read her blog here.)I am constantly amazed at all they do with all of their little ones. (They were all dressed and out the door for Chic-fil-a Dress like a cow day, and I was thinking I was too tired to take just two little ones!) What a fun session this was – glad we took out the bubbles at the end!
Rebecca Keller is a Raleigh Newborn Photographer NC. Contact Rebecca Keller Photography for more information about Raleigh Lifestyle Newborn Photography and Downtown Raleigh Family Photography in Raleigh, Wake Forest, and Cary, North Carolina.