Almost Rained Out – Cary Apex Morrisville Family Photographer

The best time for outdoor portraits is going to be either early in the morning or late in the evening. We e-mailed back and forth for a week or so before the session discussing lighting and then the morning of the session, it was sprinkling! When it’s cloudy, you can take pictures anywhere and don’t have to worry as much about when to start the session. We got out of the car, took a few pictures and then it started raining. Then we got back out of the car, took a few more, and the rain came back! The rain didn’t stop us from getting beautiful pictures! This little one was just so happy for her three month portraits and the outfits her mama picked out for the family were absolutely perfect.

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To learn more about the 3, 6, 9, and 12 month package, click here.

Debbie Miles says:

Beautiful pictures!

Bett Dennis says:

Breathtaking pictures.

Teresa Miller Dennig says:

Beautiful Bett